We sat down with Paige Lorenze - self-described “ex ski racer / new englander / thrifter / thinker / lover / creator / friend / daughter / adventurer / nature lover” and founder of Dairy Boy - one golden hour on Nantucket to talk Land Rovers, dive bars, and more. Photographs by our friend Isabelle Riley Layman and shop Paige’s looks here.
Rowing Blazers: When you’re walking down the street, what element of an outfit catches your eye the most?
Paige Lorenze: Probably a good pair of vintage jeans. There’s nothing cooler to me than a sick pair of vintage denim, a basic shirt, and cool jewelry.
RB: Who and what are some of your personal style inspirations?
PL: I would say the people who I grew up with in Vermont - not celebrities. I was around a lot of really hard-working, confident and outdoorsy people, and their styles reflected their lifestyle. In terms of people in the public eye, I don’t have one person; I do love Pinterest, though. Currently, I love Scandinavian influencers and style.
RB: If you could live in any time period, which one would it be?
PL: Probably a period in time when things were more simple, when people spent more time outside and had to be present in the moment more. Honestly, the ‘80s seem like they were pretty great: no cell phones or internet, good music, and less social and societal pressures than people my age face today.
RB: What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
PL: I’ve been so fortunate to travel to some really interesting and unique places. This answer changes depending on my mood; the top three today would probably be New Zealand, Hawaii and Norway.
RB: What are three words that describe you?
PL: Adventurous, loving and independent.
RB: You’re going to your favorite bar: what is it, and what are you drinking?
PL: I’m so bad - I totally gate-keep my favorite bars in NYC because they're all dives and feel like my little secret. Anything with a pool table, count me in. I’ll give you one that’s not a secret: Flower Shop on the Lower East Side. You step in and don’t feel like you’re in NYC anymore. On Nantucket, it’s the Chicken Box. I love live music and dancing. For my drink of choice, a shot of tequila (laughs). I’m such a bad drink-drinker. I’ll hold it and let all the ice melt. At dinner, I’ll order a spicy margarita or a nice glass of red wine. Fun fact: I hate rosè.
RB: In your opinion, who’s the most iconic actor, and what’s your favorite movie of theirs?
PL: I would probably say Olivia-Newton John. Grease was the first movie I remember watching, and it’s still my all-time favorite. She was so amazing in that movie. I love her style. She had an amazing life and career. I was so sad to hear of her passing recently.
RB: What’s your dream car?
PL: This is easy: an old Land Rover Defender in hunter green.
RB: Did you play any sports growing up, and if so, do you think the experience shaped who you are today?
PL: Yes! I’ve always been so involved in hobbies and sports. Skiing, surfing, biking, running, soccer, lacrosse, water skiing and wakeboarding, gardening, photography, drawing - you name it.
I was fortunate enough through alpine ski racing to travel across the country and the world. I attended Burke Mountain Academy in Vermont and lived in the mountains since I was in 6th grade.
Skiing shaped me because I had to learn at a very early age how to prioritize my life, how to be mentally and physically strong, and how to overcome disappointment and battle back from adversity and injury. I learned how to self-advocate, be independent, and to be pushed beyond my comfort zone in extreme conditions.
Travel through skiing has been a huge part of my life, and has impacted me both as a person and creatively. I always say my style is bits and pieces of every place I’ve been and every person I’ve met along my journey.
RB: If you had one piece of advice for your 10 year-old self, what would it be?
PL: Saying “no” is cool.
We’ve put together a collection of Paige’s looks from this shoot; check them out, keep up with her on Instagram, and stay tuned for future drops from her Dairy Boy line: a celebration of her Vermont roots made for people who, much like herself, “shamelessly enjoy life’s simple pleasures and embrace what makes them happy.”