Oxford Brookes Sponsored by Rowing Blazers Wins Henley Royal Regatta (Historic victory in two events for the boys in burgundy and blue)

Henley Royal Regatta is the most historic rowing competition in the world and, alongside the World Championships and the Olympic Games, the most important. Like Wimbledon with tennis, the Regatta is also a bastion of its sport's sense of tradition and history.
Capping of a sensational season that included setting a new British record, Oxford Brookes captured both the Temple Challenge Cup and the Ladies' Challenge Plate; only the third time in the history of Henley Royal Regatta that any club has achieved such a feat in a single year.
Rowing Blazers is a proud sponsor and outfitter to Oxford Brookes, 2017 Henley Champions and the best in the sport. Video and photos below; enjoy.
Many thanks to Lewis Todd for the boomside photographs, and congratulations to the Oxford Brookes athletes and coaches!